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Endorsements and Testimonials  for our unique approach to high stakes performance improvement

“Jonathan has written an extraordinarily provocative and excellently researched book. While you can rush to the useful 'How tos,' I urge you, even beg you, to read and reflect–digging into this topic will yield real pay dirt." 

~Tom Peters, World’s Top Business Guru and author of In Search of Excellence.

"Jonathan Brown’s “Stress and Success” strikes a perfect balance between an evidence-based examination of stress management and a practical guide for all of us who live and work in challenging and stressful times.  It’s remarkable when a book about coping with stress is actually stress-reducing to read, but “Stress and Success” is just that book. This is perfect for young people in our top universities, who-having never failed at anything in their lives-now experience genuine stress in highly competitive academic and career development environments.”

~Tom Kolditz, PhD, Brigadier General, US Army (ret), Director, Doerr Institute for New Leaders, Rice U.

“We live in a world where the never ending quest for productivity and capacity make relentless demands on the strongest of individuals. Jonathan’s brilliantly researched work offers many pragmatic and sensible insights.”

~Maria Farrow, HR Officer, SEPHORA  



“Jonathan Brown has written an impressive volume on how to handle stress, building on his personal experience and years of helping clients whether [they] cope with stress and thrive, or lose and succumb to misery.”

~Dr Holger Ursin, Stress Pioneer, Developer of CATS theory of adaptation. Professor Emeritus, Uni Health, University of Bergen, Norway.

“Stress and Success is a must read for those who work and lead others in high-stakes settings, whether on the battlefield or in the corporate boardroom.  Grounded in both science and practice, this engaging book provides a comprehensive and highly readable overview of not just how to handle stress, but how to leverage it for personal growth."

~Michael D. Matthews, Professor of Engineering Psychology, United States Military Academy, West Point

“Marines learn that success in battle is keeping a cool head while throwing the enemy so off balance that further fighting is futile. It’s that cool head that prevails in business and in life. Jonathan Brown went right to the source–our most modern Marine Corps tactical thought -interviewing our thinkers and reading their work. And he re-traced our steps back to the most ancient philosophers of war. Brown’s ability to translate what we’ve learned in war into how you can help yourself in peace is masterful.” 

~Michael D. Wyly, Colonel, USMC (Ret). CO-author of Warfighting

"I worked with Jonathan after a particularly stressful string of consulting project and our sessions were invaluable to ensuring I continue to thrive in high pressure environments.  He armed me with a practical and effective toolkit to recognize much earlier when stress starts to inhibit my performance and taught me ways to successfully combat that stress - while still maintaining peak performance and delivering results for my teams and my clients. Working with Jonathan has deepened my ability to handle tough situations and successfully navigate through increasingly challenging situations."

~RW, Strategy Consultant, Boston, USA

“Jonathan is a talented coach who has the knack to inspire people to realise their latent potential. He combines technical expertise with a relaxed but focused manner - you want to work with him.”

~Chris Poole, Research Managing Vice President at Gartner

" I engaged Jonathan on many occasions to work with groups at Lloyds TSB. He has a strong performance focus which encourages people to be honest about their current situation, aspirations and blockages.
Evaluation of each programme delivered by Jonathan clearly showed a significant positive shift in behaviours, performance and results.
His many years of painstaking research into the elements of elite performance mean he has a vast knowledge of how, when and why people perform consistently well. He is able to transfer this knowledge expertly others."

~Jon Williams, Leadership Development, Lloyds TSB

"Jonathan does a great job of working with you to maximize the output of your businesses largest asset: your people! All you need to bring is the passion for improvement and Jonathan will make it happen. He brings a high level of business acumen to understand your current needs and then applies proven principles tailored to meet your circumstances to achieve results. He is by far the best business consultant I have worked with!"

~Carl Duda, Pharmaceutical Sales 

“What a true pleasure to read! In the face of always MORE challenges, opportunities and speed, enduring success will come from mastering the art of LESS, with focus, simplicity, clear values. This skilfully researched and unusual book takes that broad view required to explore our inner potential.”

~Luisa Delgado, CEO, Safilo Group

"Of the many books I have read on extreme stress and its effects, Jonathan's approach in providing clear and sometimes amusing examples makes this a Number One read.  He brings it all home in a focused and delightful way. You can simply improve your life and that of your family once you embrace his suggestions." 

~Colonel Jill W. Chambers, US Army. (R) P.T.S.D. Pioneer and Founder of This Able Vet.

“Jonathan Brown is one of the finest coaches in Europe. His book provides a wonderful introduction to one of the many areas in which he provides expertise and enlightenment. It offers much useful advice as well as practical tools to deal with a broad variety of stress related issues.”

~Gary Leboff, Sports Psychologist, Author of Dare-Take on Your Life and Win.

"Sometimes big gains in insight come from outside your own field. When I read Jonathan Brown’s Stress and Success, I was expecting a book to help desk jockeys manage their feelings. What I got was immediately practical advice— for myself on managing and maximizing downtime and for the people I care about on building teams in a way that lets them focus on external threats instead of internal. If you lead people who have to make quick, precise decisions under pressure you’ll pick up precious insights that just might save a life. Or a career. Or a marriage.”

~Rory Miller, award-winning author of Meditations on Violence; Facing Violence; Force Decisions and; ConCom: Conflict Communication

“Stress and Success combines personal experience with superb practically-orientated research.  This is a book you can actually use, not only to be aware of and offset the effects of stress, but to provide the tools to prevent it building up in the first place.  If you are affected by stress, and who isn't, buy this book.”

~Frank Ledwidge, author of Losing Small Wars and Investment in Blood.


"All true syntheses end up as acts of creation, and this is an impressively creative act. I was struck especially by the author's startlingly original take on mindset theory, and its applications in areas that not even Carol Dweck can have foreseen! This book is simultaneously challenging, uplifting and surprising - the very definition of a good read."

~Barry Hymer, Professor of Psychology in Education, University of Cumbria in Lancaster. Author of Gifts, Talents and Education: A Living Theory Approach

 “A must read for anyone with a busy and stressful life!”

~Dr Paul A Brogan, Reader in Vasculitis and Consultant, ICH and Great Ormond Street Hospital.

 “This book is a terrific mix of practical wisdom and illuminating stories.  The answer to workplace stress turns out not to be deep breathing or meditation, but a focus on mastery through engagement, focus, and capacity building.  Stretch and recover, fill your life with appreciation - and refuse that extra muffin!” 

~Paul Z. Jackson, author of The Inspirational Trainer and The Solutions Focus.

“Stress is truly one of the biggest blights on Western society. Yet, it is still difficult to recognise the symptoms and even harder to admit to it and talk about it.  This book, written by a man who has experienced and dealt with extreme stress, addresses these issues in a pragmatic and readable way. This should be a mandatory read for every busy person.” 

~John Molter, Vice President, Global Customer Business Development, Procter & Gamble (Ret.)

 “The 20th century's most influential strategist, the late Air Force Col John Boyd, counselled that because we could not eliminate confusion, a better idea was to make our opponents more confused than we were. Jonathan Brown, drawing on Boyd and many others, takes this a step further: Because we can't eliminate stress, our best tactic is to learn how to use it better than our competitors. Brown offers a comprehensive program for achieving this goal, pages of strategies and techniques that you can start using today and continue for a lifetime.”

~Chet Richards, Author of Certain to Win and long term collaborator with John Boyd

“John Boyd died more than fifteen years ago. Since then a second generation of brilliant men has come along to advance, expand, and deepen Boyd’s ideas. Jonathan Brown now moves into the forefront of those men with this new book. As startling as it is revelatory, this is a book I want to read again and again. It insures that Boyd’s ideas will live on.”

~Robert Coram, Author of Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War.

“Well-researched and with a range of fascinating examples and case studies, this excellent book shows you how to keep moving and succeed in difficult times and avoid crises before they happen.”   

~Tom Butler-Bowdon, author of 50 Psychology Classics and 50 Philosophy Classics.

"Jonathan Brown’s common-sense approach to stress leadership is both highly effective and immediately useful.  You can take the lessons from this book and employ them right away.”

~Lt. Colonel Mike Grice, US Marine Corp, (Ret.) In Extremis Leadership Expert